Today we are going to learn about the way of Love! John brings everything back to love of God and love of others. We will find out how love is the circulatory system of the church.
Today, we have to take a test, get out your pen and paper! This test is to find out if we are truly saved by Jesus and have a relationship with Him. Here’s the test: If we know Him if we keep His commands. Does that mean ever sin we are not saved? Find out about the three kinds of Christians and which is the right way to live.
In this part of 1 John, we find out that we can’t have fellowship and true joy if we have unconfessed sin. We find out that we have an Advocate who comes to plead our case. As our defense attorney, unlike any other, Jesus admits to the Judge (God) that we are guilty and requires our penalty to be death. Then like any other, he becomes our Atonement and pays the price by dying in our place.
As in his Gospel John writes in 1 John 1:5-8 about “The Light”. Light is truth, goodness, love and can not exist at the same time with darkness. Darkness is hostile to God. We learn how to have complete joy, being in fellowship with God.
We begin our study of 1 John by looking at the first four verses. We meet the Apostle John and find out who he was. More importantly, we will find out the purpose of the Epistle that he wrote. 1 John was written at a time when the young Church was beginning to get off track because of the influence of Gnostic teachings.